I am noticing that some of the people who were pregnant around the same time I was are working on baby number 2 or even number 3. At times, I have an outragious case of baby fever but then I come back down to reality and realize we aren't done focusing on our little Hudson just yet. He has been such a blessing, such an easy, free spirited angel who has kept us on our toes. I want to enjoy just him for a little longer. I know he will be a terrific big brother. Plus, everyone says the 2nd is total opposite of the first and that means we'll have a little hell raiser. Hehe, j/k
Time has come to put him daycare. Wahhhhh. As excited as I am, I'm a little nervous as well. We've already had the conversation with Gram, who has kept him for two awesome years. She was the first to say that daycare would be a wonderful experience for him and that he'd be learning so much more and interacting with other children his age. She will miss him but knows what's best. We are shooting for the first of October and starting him at Wee Care. I have heard so many wonderful things about this daycare. I have a few mommy friends whose children attend. I toured the facility a few weeks ago and was very impressed. I want to stay the entire day when he first starts and just see the look on his face as he learns and plays with the other kids but I dont want to be that freak mother! I am so ready to embark on this journey with him =)
Here are some photo's from this past weekend when Hudson's godmother came to visit:
Had to try on Auntie K10's heels..
Mowing the dead grass
With cooler temps FINALLY, we've been enjoying strolls to the park!