Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 5...

Hello Friday! Daycare day number 5. We went through our normal routine this morning as I try and refrain from mentioning the word "daycare!" But leave it to my intelligent son to walk up and say "no daycare today mama!" I mean really?
Today is Pink Out Friday and the kids are encouraged to wear pink. Hud is sporting a pink vintage BSFD shirt. Vintage because Cody is no longer employed with them but we love the shirt anyway and the BSFD department as well.

Mia is picking him up today so I kept saying "Be a big boy and Mia will see you soon!" I guess that helped because as soon as we got to his class he whined a bit and was good to go! He gave me a kiss and walked to his table. WHAT?! As much as my heart jumped for joy that he wasn't going to throw a fit, a piece of me was wanting him to cling to me and not want to let go =(
As he was off playing his teacher asked me how he did with potty training at home. I said he does very well...with that she said they would start him in big boy undies and see how that would go! Hip hip hooray!!

What a sweet sweet day!! If every day can be like day 5....we'll be ok ;-)

On to getting ready for a garage sale this weekend. BLAH...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 3..

Well, Day 3 of Daycare......and we're still a hot mess! We had such a wonderful Tuesday though. Cody met us at the daycare when he got off shift and said good morning to Hudson. He wanted to see his class and meet his teacher. Maybe that was a bad idea for both of us to drop him off and abandon him =( 
He screamed bloody murder. Cody grabbed my hand and basically pulled me away. We watched him on the monitor and maybe 5 minutes after he was ok. He sat down at one of the tables and it looked like he had picked up a toy and started playing. {{happy heart}}
When I picked him up he was playing in the jungle gym they have inside so I peeked around the corner and watched him play for about 10 min before he saw me. Cutest thing ever: "C'mon mom, come play!" Is what I heard. So his teacher let me in the gate and I watched him play and interact with the other kids. I even entertained a little boy with a game of peek-a-boo for a few seconds! His teacher told me he was a helper today and helped her throw the trash outside. As they were walking, an ambulance passed and he yelled "Ambulance!!" She was amazed that he knew that word. I told her his daddy was a fireman so we practiced those words frequently. =))

After we left we went and got him a haircut. I asked if was ready for daycare tomorrow and surprisingly he said "yea"
Well.... after getting ready this morning and not even mentioning daycare, as I was getting ready he clung to my leg and looked up at me and said "no daycare mama"
SERIOUSLY!!! What am I suposed to do with that? So I avoided the statement and put him in his car seat. As we drove off he asked "where we go mom" I said daycare baby to see your friends and it broke my heart to hear him say NO!

Tears again today. Although 3 other little ones also had tears this morning. Maybe they can all ban together and form a support group ;-)
But I watched on the monitor again for a few minutes and he was fine. I checked on him a little before he went to the cafeteria to eat and he was playing with another kiddo, so that eased my heart a little.

I catch myself looking at the clock to see if it's time to leave and pick up my boy! With every day I know it will get easier. Thank you Lord for that calming feeling.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Put your big girl pants on and suck it up..

A much as I'd like to say that I put on my big girl pants today to drop my 2 year old off at daycare, as I walked back to my car sobbing like a child who had just lost a puppy, I realized, I had NOT worn my big girl pants. I knew this day was coming, months turned in to weeks and weeks in to days and days in to hours. I pumped myself up yesterday and got all of Hudson's belongings together, labeled each item with his name and kept telling myself that everything was going to be just fine. We have been asking him for a few weeks if he's ready for daycare. Ready to meet new friends and play on the playground. His answers were different every day! Yes, he was ready. No, he wanted to stay with Gram and watch Lion King. =)

Today was the day! I didnt sleep well last night and woke up early, eager and excited and somewhat sad. My boy is growing up. FAST! We watched cartoons and ate cinnamon rolls and I said "Today is the day buddy, you get to meet new friends at daycare!" It eased my heart and mind that when I told him that he said "yay!"

In true Hudson fashion, as we walked up to the double glass doors and he waved and said hi to two or three different kids. I thought, ok he's going to be great! No worries. As I checked him in, I could see his eyes wondering and looking at at the workers and hearing all the children. He noticed the play area in front and immediately wanted to play! As I walked him to his class I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. DANG IT, why didn't I wear waterproof mascara?!?!?
I dropped his things off to his teacher and noticed a little boy, who also was just starting daycare, crying and red faced. Hudson looked at him and looked back at me with a look like, "really mom, you are going to leave me here?" Then we both fell apart. He started saying "no, mama!" I kissed him and said I love you, be a big boy! And walked away. I watched him for about 10 min on a monitor they have have at the front and he would sneak past the teacher and try to open the door. Still crying, he tried everything to turn the door knob. My heart sank and I knew I had to let him cry it out. So I walked out the doors and proceeded to CRY in my car. I know he is in good hands and that the teachers there will take great care of him. I received a text from Gram when I got to work that really made things ok. "I have already asked God to keep him safe... and out of time out!" =)

Although this was a tough start, for both of us, I know this is where he is ment to be and that he will benefit from this. I hope he makes the greatest of friends and has a fun first day and every day after. And I hope we can look back at this when he is older and laugh together =)
Good luck angel baby! Mommy loves you<3

First day of Daycare! I swear he smiled right before I took this. He really was happy..before we got there!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Frenzy!!

So much has been happening lately I haven't had time to post an updated blog. (Imagine that)
Let's start with the A&M/Tech game....WHOOP! I rarely get to say that, so I do every chance I get. I get a small thrill teaching Hudson to "Gig Em" and say "whoop" to Cody! It's even better when the Aggs pull off a win. We had a few friends over that night to watch the game. It was pretty nerve racking because the Ranger's game was on at the same time as the football game. I switched back and forth like a mad woman. The Ranger's game was interrupted TWICE for a rain delay but they resumed and WON. Fast forward to game 6 and they won 15-5 beating Detroit for a chance at the WORLD SERIES!!! Yippee skippy

This past Saturday was our 15th annual Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes. (My 3rd Midland Walk to be a part of) We had a wonderful turn out and it was a beautiful day. We have raised close to $165,000! Just a little short of our $170,000 goal!!! And... we still have money coming in. This is such a great cause and I am honored to take part in this.

After the Walk, Hudson and I visited daddy on his frst shift as an MFD firefighter! He was only supposed to work from 9-5 but was called in for a 24 hr shift. Saturday was open house at Central Fire Station and we went up to check it out..


playing around in the truck

My handsome boys! 10/15/11 Cody's first shift on MFD


mommy and Hudson in the fire truck

Cody showing the kids his bunker gear

After visiting daddy Hudson and I went and picked out "mommy" "daddy" and "Hudson" pumpkins!! He picked out his own and it is so cute. We are decorating them when Cody gets off shift.

I am so pumped for our vacation in a few weeks to California. We are taking Hudson to Disneyland and I think I'm more excited than he is ;-)

19 days and counting'till DISNEY!!!!

We are half way through the month of October. I still can not beleive that. Hudson starts daycare next week and I am so nervous but yet so excited for him. I know he'll do great and enjoy interacting with kids his age. I know Gram will miss keeping him. We are so lucky to have had her retire and keep him in her home! She has taught him so much, I am forever grateful!!!!!!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hello Fall!

Well, technically it's fall, but West Texas seems to think it's still Summer. Temps were in the 80's yesterday and in the 90's the days before. Today it's sprinkling and we have a 20% chance of showers all day. Glorious news!! The Airsho is this weekend and we have been waiting to take Hudson. He loved it last year and cried when we had to leave. =(
He loves airplanes!

Cody has started his two week orientation with MFD!!! He's an 8 to 5er for two weeks and then he'll start at Central and rover around. I am so thrilled he is closer to home. =))

I just had my 28th birthday and it was so fabulous!! I swear, each year gets better and better. I got to sleep in while Cody got up with Hudson to watch cartoons. My favorite breakfast was cooked (biscuits and gravy, with bacon and eggs!) And a hot cup-o-joe was waiting for me. My husband is a bit of a spoiler and I LOVE IT! The rest of the day was relaxing and I went later that day to do a little "me" shopping followed by a family dinner with mama and Gram. I am so blessed to have the family and friends that I do, I cherish them more than words can describe. Oh, and the Ranger's pulled off a W on my birthday, making it that much greater. Followed by a series win yesterday!!!!!!!

After the Ranger's win!

We are planning a trip to Cali soon to see Poppi and Mimi and Disneyland is in the works! Both Cody and I had been when we were younger and we haven't been since. I am thrilled to be taking Hudson. He's a little obsessed with the Disney characters. He's loves Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Pluto and Goofy. We watch Mickey Mouse Club House every morning. I'm so excited to get to share this experience with him.

We have a movie night tonight, watching The Lion King!!! So excited.

Hudson & Mama having fun at the halloween store!

Hud and Daddy playing on Chita's new computer

Happy Fall!!!