I'm slacking AGAIN.
We closed on our house a few weeks ago. We are still in the same house we were just renting before. (Cody's mom was our "landlord") It was Cody's mom and dad's casa before we moved in almost 4 years ago and for some reason we just kept putting the house in our name off. The time finally came and we followed all the steps. Appraisal, bank meetings blahhhhhh and in a weeks time, it was ours! It was a little more exciting than I thought it would be. I mean we've been in that house for almost 5 years already so it already seemed like "ours" but now it's for real. We're grown ups. 30 and grown up.Now the fun begins...We are doing a master bedroom/bathroom remodel and tiling the whole house in the cool tile that looks like wood floor.
Speaking of 30, yesterday was Cody's 30th birthday!! We are celebrating by leaving for Brownwood this evening to go to the Murray Ranch! Cody hasn't been hunting in over 2 years and I surprised him with a trip with some friends to the ranch. Plus a snazzy new something or another thingy he wanted for his bow and a set of Wusthof Knives!
I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out last Friday and holy OUCH! It wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be ( I went under and got some pretty good pain meds!) but the recovery has been long. I'm not one to sit and relax long and I basically had to all weekend. It's tough with a rowdy 4 year old who is non stop, luckily I had some great help. I've taken 6 days off from working out/Grit and I am terrified to go back today :-/
I had labs done a few weeks ago to check my thyroid levels and they were all NORMAL! Woo. But with the whole wisdom teeth thing and the pain meds, (I also slacked 2 days not taking my thyroid meds) somehow my heart palpitations came back and of course my diet slacked because all I was allowed was liquids and squishy foods. I'm still having them. So I'm thinking if my Dr. were to tell me to stop taking the medicine to see if I'm in "remission" I would still have a hyper active thyroid.......So I am really thinking hard and asking the Lord for guidance on a complete thyroidectomy. Eeek.
I can't believe Thanksgiving is just a few days away. As much as I am looking forward to it because it is one of my favorite holidays, it just reminds me that one very special lady will be missing. We usually celebrate by driving to O'Donnell and seeing all of Cody's family, eat entirely too much and hang out for a few hours then make the drive home and eat dinner with my mom and Gram. This year will be different. But I am reassured she will have the best seat in the house and I am thankful that I got to spend 29 Thanksgivings with that special woman<3 p="">
This was on Hud's classroom door the other day when I dropped him off. He's thankful for his trampoline of course ;) his mom dad and grandma. What a sweetie. I toured MCS and filled out the paperwork and put his name on the waiting list for next year. Fingers crossed we'll have a little Mustang in kindergarten next year. Crazy.