Thursday, February 13, 2014


Here we go again. Being a slacker. So much has happened since the holidays. Hudson got accepted in to a program called Phonics at school. Only a select few from his class and the other 4/5 year old class were selected!! Cody and I took a much needed trip to Vegas in January with some of our MFD family, 8 couples in all and we had a great time. Work is in full swing and we are trying to get sponsors for both of our Walks. I can't believe it's already the middle of February! Hudson has his Valentine's party tomorrow and these are the valetines we made: Thanks Pinterest!

Hud's friend Caden turned 5 and had his party at Gatti's. That place has gotten so nasty and dirty. It would be a great place for kids if it were a little cleaner and updated :(  Am I being a snotty mom?? Hudson enjoyed it but gag, it was so dirty and smelled like wet dog.
                                                             His smile! Whata goof.

We've signed him up for T-Ball in April and I am so excited!! Cody started T-Ball at his age. He actually could go to coach pitch and bypass t-ball but we decided to start him in it and see how he does. We're holding back on Tae Kwon Do for now. Just too much going on.

Stay tuned for some majorly awesome news from our family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!