Friday, April 25, 2014

Baby Emerson

Today I am 17 weeks and ? Seriously. I have lost count and I have changed my Baby Bump app on my phone about 14 times. My actual due date is October 2nd. MY BIRTHDAY! But since we are scheduling a c-section, my doctor wanted to do it a week early on September 25. Our last sonogram the baby was measuring a few days bigger so for some reason I just thought I was further along. Pregnant brain is legit. Anywho, I saw my dr. last Tuesday and I just KNEW I'd have a sono done. WRONG!!! The nurse told me they won't do one until 20 weeks. Wahhh, dreams, crushed. She did bring in one of those dopplers that find the babies heartbeat. She moved it around a few places and NADA. I was terrified and I guess she could see that. She told me not to worry and that it happens all the time. She tried again with no luck. So she called the Doctor in and he said don't panic, it could be the way the baby is positioned. I'M PANICKING!! He moves it around and nothing. My heart rate rises and he detected it on the thing but no babies. He tried again and pushed harder. At this point the tears are about to roll. And of course this appointment was one of the few that Cody didn't make. So he wheels in the portable sono machine and BAM! Little Emi's heartbeat. A whopping 146 BPM. Thank you Lord. I immediately start saying a silent prayer!  I also mention that we had an early gender sono at 15 weeks and I wanted confirmation SHE actually was STILL a GIRL! He assured me that if I saw the 3 lines (which I later found out is a females labia)she was still going to be a girl but we couldn't confirm until my next visit. WHICH IS 4 WEEKS AWAY......So now we just wait another 4 weeks before we can really tell. Did I mention, I am not a patient person?!?

I really have felt great this whole pregnancy. The 1st trimester was a little rough but no morning sickness at all. The 2nd trimester has been a little different with this one as opposed to being pregnant with Hudson. My hips and knees have been throbbing at night. I must flip from side to side at least 20 times a night. I have a small pillow that does help that I put in between my legs but my goodness, the pain is crazy. I feel like I have 80 year old joints.  Other than that, doing great!

We just purchased Hud's cap and gown for pre-k graduation! I may have shed a little tear. I can't believe he'll be in kindergarten this year. I am so very proud of the little guy he has become and I am so thankful for Wee Care and the knowledge and love they have shown him. And can't forget about Gram teaching him for 2 years!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Pink Pink Pink! Oh my goodness. I had a very strong feeling that it was a girl from the beginning. I had the same feeling with Hudson being a boy! Cody's friends gave him such a hard time when we first found out. They would tell him, "It's a girl and she is going to have you so wrapped around her finger." "Be prepared, it's a girl and you aren't going to know what to do." So of course he just knew we were having a girl. With all the boys on his side of the family he also thought "nah, can't be a girl, we have so many boys!"
Like I said in the last post, she was being so stubborn and had her legs crossed almost the WHOLE time. Which I guess is good, she is already acting like a little lady :)
I still have that thought in the back of my head that she may grow a little "something" between her legs. I mean, we did find out super early it seems and I've heard all kinds of crazy stories how a baby started out one gender and came out another!! Eeeek.
We go again on April 22 to Dr. Doke, so I guess we'll see then. Hudson was a little upset that he's having a baby sister. He really wanted a brother to wrestle with. I'm sure when sister gets a little older she will hold her own and put up a fight!

                                                Convinced him to blow the pink confetti

I am already looking at baby girl bedding and re-doing the nursery in pink girly colors. We started on Hud's big boy room some time ago and it feels like it's taking foreverrrrrrr. Our windows finally came in today so we'll be picking them up and hopefully installing them SOON. Cody is doing this remodel all on his own and saving us money so I'm trying not to rush him but I know Hud is ready to be in his new room and I am ready for the MESS in our front living room to be gone!!!

                                      Miss Emerson. Still undecided on a middle name right now.

I haven't really posted anything on my thyroid. I've actually felt pretty great this whole pregnancy. I've been off my medicine since February 3rd and haven't needed any of it. My levels have been normal. My last appointment with my endocrinologist was in March and my levels were a little high but he would rather have them a little high rather than low. If they get too high where I have symptoms, I'll be put on medication. It's crazy how a pregnancy can help with so many things. I'm just not looking forward to after baby and the outcome of my Graves' but I am not even worried about that right now. Focusing on keeping this little girl plump and healthy as can be. We are over the moon and feel so incredibly blessed. Can't wait to be a family of 4!

Thanks for following us on this crazy journey.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It's a................


Our reveal party is tonight! Check back for all the details. Cody and I went yesterday to Baby Glance, a new sonogram place in town and they can determine the gender as early as 15 weeks! If baby cooperates. I drank a Dr. Pepper right before the appointment. I'm not a big soda drinker but I do love an occasional DP and I've only had 1 since being pregnant and this one was especially delicious. We walk into the room and I hop up on the table, she squirts the gel, which by the way was probably the first time I've had warm gel. It seems like every single sono with Hudson and the 2 before with this baby, the gel was freezing! PERK! I was terrified that we would get there and baby wouldn't cooperate. I kinda felt like we may be rushing things and 15 weeks was a little soon to find out but we JUST HAD to know. I felt like I'd be punished and in return the baby would not spread those legs.

Sure enough, the first 15 minutes the tech had the wand all over my belly because our little stinker had his/her legs crossed! She had me flip on my side, my other side and back on my belly. A little poking and jabbing and me laughing FINALLY did the trick. He/she tricked us at first though and would stretch one leg but leave the other right in the who-ha place. Bless Cody's heart. He was up by the screen, he was sitting, he was by the computer, he was so anxious! But FINALLY both little legs moved and BOOM. Tears, joy, excitement and laughter all filled the room! We are so excited to share our news with you!!!!! Just a few friends and family will be over tonight for the reveal. Cody thought it all up by himself and he's so proud. I even thought about not doing a reveal and he said he really wanted to use his idea. Who am I to argue??

Stay tuned.