Thursday, December 11, 2014

2014 Family Pictures

Who doesn't love family pictures?! Well my husband for one. He absolutely hates them and it seems I drag him to them at least twice a year! We hadn't had any new pictures of the whole family since E joined the family so Cody's mom had arranged a shoot with the lady who took my maternity photos. It was originally supposed to be just her and the grand kids but I asked if Cody and I could sneak in a few shots!
Photos by Karen Wade:
She's amazing. Her husband is a firefighter with my husband and she is wonderful at capturing the moment.

So in love with them!
I still can't believe God chose me to be these two wonderful tiny humans mommy! I am forever thankful for that and love them dearly. Sometimes I have to pinch myself.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Meet our baby girl....

Emerson Avery.
                           Born September 24th at 12:40pm Weighing 7lb 10oz and 19in long

Proud big brother!!! It was such an amazing moment when Hudson walked into the hospital room and saw his baby sister. His eyes lit up and he smiled from ear to ear. He held her for the first time and whispered, "I love you!" melt me
Newborn pics by Mallory Buck!

This c-section was a breeze. Sorry to all who had crummy situations :( I worked out until month 8 of my pregnancy and I think that was a huge help. I knew what to expect with this one and I was just literally OVER being pregnant! I was up and walking (like an old woman with a walker but walking non the less) on day 2. With my last one I didn't want to get out of bed because of the pain. I pushed through on this one and every hour or so would stand up and move around. Day 3 I showered and walked around even more. When the nurse came in to discharge me I was pacing back and forth ready to take my baby home. 3 days in a hospital can make ya crazy! She said, "you sure don't look like you just had major surgery" 6 days after having E Cody and I were walking around the block. I stopped taking pain meds two days after leaving the hospital! :))

Little miss is now 2 moths old and the most precious baby girl in the world. She is completely opposite from her brother when he was a baby. She hates sleep and will fight it every.damn.time. She has to be able to see someone if left in a room. She'll last about 10 min before having a meltdown. With Hudson, we could put him in his swing and he would fall asleep for a good hour or more. She naps for a good 30 min if we are lucky!! At night she is eating 4oz and waking every 3 hours. The first stretch, sometimes she'll go 4 hours. I think around 2 months we had Hud on some sort of schedule. She is NOT on one. She loves to be held. If she falls asleep in your arms and you TRY to put her down, she pops those eyes wide open and looks at you like...."NO"
My mom was going to keep her but something came up and was unable to. Broke my heart but knew God had a plan. That left me looking for care. Fortunatley the YMCA daycare had two spots available until our #1 choice became available. (Wee Care) Hudson was at WC for 3 years. Started when he was 2, Gram kept him those first two years...oh how I miss that woman. Every day I think about her. Sure wish she was here to love on baby girl and play with Hudson. I know she has a great view from upstairs..
Daycare gives these little daily reports when she ate, diaper changes, etc. Somehow those daycare ladies get her to nap at least 2 times a day for 45 min. WHAT?! How?! They are magic. I'm going to have to ask them their secrets.
Please don't stop by our house from at least 7pm-8 because our daughter screams so loud we can't think. It's almost like clockwork. She cries for no reason. Actually I think she may be over-tired. Hudson went through a similar phase and the pedi said try putting him to bed a little earlier. So I'm going to try that with her tonight before she get's all dramatic on me.
To all the single parents out there with multiple children.....PRAISE TO YOU!! When Cody is on shift and I am in charge of 2 tiny humans....I sometimes lose my shit. I'm trying to help one with kindergarten homework while the other one demands to be fed and held and is screaming bloody murder. Some nights it goes smoothly.....who am I kidding. I have a stocked fridge with wine and a liquor cabinet with whiskey! I pray a lot. Like a lot. I ask Jesus for patience on a regular basis ;)
I've only had one complete meltdown ( I was miserably sick, Cody was at work and I had a 5 year old back talking and not listening and a 2 month guessed it, crying!!)
We are finally in somewhat of a routine with school work and daycare so life is a little less complicated. If I can just get baby girl waking ONCE a night that would be my perfect world. I thank the Lord everyday for blessing me with two beautiful, healthy children! Even if they make me bat shit crazy!!
Happy 2 months little angel. Embrace every moment because it goes too fast! I love you to the moon