Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So this past weekend Cody & I joined some friends at the Kermit Sand hills for a little 4 wheeling action. Troy bought a new Polaris Razor and for some odd reason let me drive it. I had so much fuuun. We met up with about 10 other guys, some from BSFD that ride all the time. We left Midland around 10:00 and when we got to Kermit it was freeeeezing!! There was still snow on the dunes from the previous day. It was gorgeous though. I drove around a little while the guys changed their tires to get the hang of the razor. Thank goodness that thing has seat belts. I really didn't mean to get all crazy, but the boys were jumping jumps and I decided I could....and boy did I. I watched Hale's video that he took and I got some sweet air and almost bought a very expensive toy and ate some Kermit sand. I think I peed my pants a little after that jump ;-)
Anywho, after a long day at the dunes we headed to Andrews for world famous Buddy's steakfingers..yum-o.

Hudson got his 4 month shots last Wednesday and he do so great. He got a little fussy after the last shot but I held him for a bit and put him in his carseat and he fell fast asleep. He such a big boy.
-He weighs 17lbs 2oz
-His height is 26 1/4
-His head is measuring 17 1/4
Dr. Reese said we could start him on solids, veggies first. He loves it all. Thank goodness we don't have a picky eater.
I think he may be getting a little cold. He's coughing every now and then and sounds a little congested..ughhh. Calling the pedi today, hopefully it's nothing =)

He loves green beans!


Cody had a busy night on shift Sunday. He had a pretty bad fire that started in the kitchen and caught the porch on fire. The dryer had caught on fire.

After putting the fire out. Thanks for the pic Birdie (don't mind the date)

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