Sunday we left for O'Donnell to hang out with Cody's family and let the kids hunt for goodies. Hudson loves being around his cousins so it was a great time!
He turned 20 months at the end of April. It's so amazing to hear him talk and see the things he can accomplish. He's talking in sentences, sometimes in jibberish and daydreaming all the time. He amazes me. We read to him every night before bed and he is getting to the point of almost reading to us! He's so smart. We play with letters in the bath tub and we can say "Find this letter" "B" and he will pick up the B. We've almost got the whole alphabet down =)
We have got such a busy month/summer!!!!! This weekend we are headed to Quanah to see my dear friend Mackenzie get married. <3
45 days until we leave for vegas and Emily gets married!! So many great things happening.
I am looking forward to my second Mother's day this Sunday.
"Parenthood is a partnership with God. You are working with the Creator of the universe in shaping human character and determining destiny"
Easter 2011
ready to find some eggs
all the great grandkids in o'donnell
My sweet angel baby. Mommy & Me session
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