Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Oil Pulling...?

Has anyone ever heard of oil pulling? I first heard about it a few months ago because I saw a pin on Pinterest and it had me intrigued... so I opened the link and read a little about it but never "pinned" it. Last night scrolling through Pinterest, I saw that one of my friends had pinned it so I opened it once more. I used the power of Google, I love Google and did some more research. You can "oil pull" with various different oils but I just so happened to have extra virgin coconut oil, like a two year supply because I use it for everything. It truly is amazing!! It's a wonderful moisturizer, lotion, you can cook with it, swallow a teaspoon full and it helps with digestion, your immune system and leaves your skin very soft and glowing.

I have to admit, the first 2 minutes or so of having the oil in my mouth was terrible! I hate the texture and the oil is solid and weird. I had to hold my nose ;-) but after that it's tolerable. Swish it around for a good 15 min, (I know that sounds like a long time and my jaw did kinda hurt before the 15 min was up) you can do it in 10 min intervals. Spit the oil OUT, don't swallow because the oil now contains all the toxins it "pulled" from your body. I have been wanting to do some sort of detox but the majority of them that I've found are very expensive, maybe a little dangerous and some leave you running to the bathroom every 10 minutes. NO thanks!!

Benefits of Oil Pulling:
* Brighter whiter teeth
* Pinker healthier gums
* Helps with sleep
* Clearer skin
* Helps with PMS/menstrual symptoms
* Headaches
* Helps with asthma
I'm a sucker for anything that calls for EVCO -extra virgin coconut oil so I had to try this.

It says it's best to do this in the morning on an empty stomach. So I started this morning and will try to keep it up and blog my results!

Monday, December 10, 2012

We did it!!!!!!!

Emily, Erin and I completed the Jingle Bell 5k and it was so much fun. I think I'm addicted. I think there were close to 300 people who participated. Not exactly sure of our time but I think it was close to 37 minutes when we crossed the finish line. Now, for someone's first 5k, two smokers and one who hadn't ran in almost two years, I was proud of us all. It was a chilly start but we had our long sleeves, leggings and cute elf shorts. We kept getting compliments on our outfits so that's always fun :)

I want to keep record of all the 5k's I do, so I kept my number and wrote what event it was on the back. I am so excited for the Color Run in April!!

It's like 20 degrees outside today! Nice little cool December day, FINALLY! I think we have a percentage of snow but doubt seeing that happen. I'm sure tomorrow it will be back in the 70's. We are debating on taking Huddy to Polar Express this weekend in Lubbock. That all depends on if there are tickets available. He seems pretty interested but for the price of tickets, I want him to be ALL about it!!! We took him to Ice at the Gaylord last year and that had to have been one of my all time favorite trips. He still talks about having lunch with Shrek to this day. :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

5K Jingle Bell Run

This Saturday the girls and I are participating in the Jingle Bell 5k run for Junior Achievement! This will be my very FIRST 5k. I know I know, I work for a non-profit who has 2 5k's every year! But being the coordinator, I kinda sorta don't have time to run or even walk the 5k because we're so busy planning and running everything. There have been numerous 5k's in the area that I've wanted to participate in but I'm chicken and never have wanted to go by myself. And my friends, let's just say, they really aren't the "running" 5k type. :) But they are working on it. And Laurel, there's just no hope for her. She will not run to save her life but we love her anyway! This 5k is just going to be a stepping stone...

                                                          We want a fun jingle bell outfit!

We are participating in the Color Run in Dallas next April!! We've all registered (finally EM) and there's no backing out!!! If you haven't heard of the Color Run, check it out here
So fun right?!?!

We're not too serious about the Jingle Bell run, so we'll be running some and walking the majority I'm sure. Let's just say, there will be NO medals waiting on us this go around.

I can't believe it's already DECEMBER!!
We've tried the whole Elf on the Shelf to keep Hud in check this year but that was a big NO GO. He's terrified!!! We showed him the book and found a video on youtube and he is just so scared of a little (creepy) guy who comes to life and watches how he behaves and reports back to Santa. I can't say I blame him. Maybe next year...
I can't wait to see him on Christmas! This year he really understands and we are trying not to let him get all caught up in the presents and gifts. Christmas is SO much more than that and he knows it's all about Jesus and his birth day.

I've got to start working on Christmas cards!!!

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Horseshoe Bay gettaway

This evening we are off to a fun filled wedding weekend for one of our dear friends. The wedding is Saturday at the beautiful Horseshoe Bay Marriott.

I've only been to HB one time when I was in high school. My bff has a lake house on LBJ, which is not far from HB and we drove down for a wakeboard tournament one summer and I fell in LOVE. We just stayed the day and were on one part of the lake but it was so pretty. I'm excited we get the whole weekend there this time. We are driving to Brownwood the first leg of the trip to stay with Murray's parents at their gorgeous ranch house. The guys have an early tee time in HB Friday morning, so we thought instead of leaving super early Friday, why not go half way and stay in Brownwood?? So excited for Cole and Kayla!! Our sweet boy is getting spoiled, I mean staying with his Chita. She is taking Friday off to have a Hudson day :)

I have my blood test today to check my levels to make sure this medicine isn't lowering my blood count. Still feel pretty good and can't complain. I was given a recommendation of a Dr. in Lubbock that I may call and get a second opinion. It's always great to have a few options and a few different opinions eh?

Hud had his first experience at the Circus and had such a fun time. My mom had tickets and wanted to take him on a Mia and Hud adventure. He rode an elephant for the first time!! My mom bought him a "life-saver" that's what he calls a litesaver.

Happy November to ya'll!!!

Monday, October 22, 2012


I can't believe we are already in the middle of October. One of my very favorite months, not only because my birthday is the 2nd but it means Halloween, candy, costumes, pumpkins and FALL. I had a wonderful birthday. The girls planned a shopping trip to Lubbock the weekend before my actual birthday. We shopped, laughed, ate and just had a wonderful time! I have said this before but I TRULY have the best friends and family. They made my day so special. The best birthday gift of all had to be my little monkey singing me "Happy Birthday!" So precious.

Last year for Halloween Hudson was the Fruit of the Loom Grape! So adorable, even with the banged up face from face planting on the slide at Fiddlesticks Farm :( Still one of the most scary accidents we've had.
                                         Audrey Hepburn (Cameron) Grape and Bam Bam (Deacon)
                                                                        Halloween 2011
I've never been one for store bought costumes. They are over priced and the kids normally wear them a total of 3 times and it's a waste of money! Hud's first Halloween he was Handy Manny because he was OBSESSED with the cartoon and kinda looked like Manny :) That was a cute costume but even for a 1 yr old, I think I paid almost $40. But it was such a cute costume ....

                                                                   Handy Manny 2010

This year there was no doubt about Hud being a DINOSAUR! He loves them. He knows almost all of the names, what they eat and all kinds of information. He's always pretending he's a dinosaur. So then I started thinking "how in the world am I going to make a dinosaur costume?" There are some cute ideas, thank goodness for pinterest and google. I found some cute ideas but then decided to look around online for kids dinosaur costumes and one of the first websites I went to had the most adorable...I mean SCARY costume. I had to get Hud's approval first. So I went home and showed him and asked if he wanted to be this dinosaur for Halloween. There was no argument, he LOVED it!!! $30 with shipping and everything, so I can't complain. And he wants to wear it alllllll the time

                                                                       Dinosaur 2012

        So excited to take Huddy trik-or-treating this year! Already have some ideas for next year's costume!

I've been feeling pretty good. Besides the fact that the stomach bug hit our house last week. Hud got it early Saturday morning. Bless his heart, he has only thrown up 1 other time before that. This was allllllll day Saturday. Couldn't keep anything down. Finally Saturday night we were able to give him some 
phenergan (anti-nausea) crushed up in juice. Worked like a charm! He slept the whole night and had his appetite back. Sunday, I started feeling icky and it hit me Monday morning. BOO
We are all back on the healthy train! I have really been trying to keep track of what I eat and make it healthier. I've laid off coffee for a while, which is BIG for me. I love coffee. But it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be to give it up. I've substituted green tea and it's actually pretty delicious. I've been taking Greens, a product by ItWorks! since late September and I love them. Gives me the servings of fruits and veggies that I need and alkalizes my body. I can't tell a huge difference in energy but my body knows when I haven't taken them. A common side effect of the medication I'm on is itchy skin and that just started a couple of days ago. I have been using extra virgin coconut oil (yes, the stuff you cook with) as a moisturizer for the past 6 or 7 months, since it is all natural and great for your skin and it eases the itchiness. So far that's the only "side effect" I've had. I go back to the endo November 8th for blood tests to make sure my levels are ok. I've been keeping up with a friend who was also diagnosed with Grave's who had her thyroid removed  a couple of weeks ago. Taking it day by day :)


Monday, October 1, 2012


I met with the endo on Thursday and he gave me the results of my scans and tests.....He confirmed I have Graves Disease - Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder that leads to overactivity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism). Sounds terrible but it just means my thyroid is over producing hormones. I had three options, 1) Take medication twice a day for almost 2 years (it takes a while for the medicine to kick in and it's not 100%) 2) have the thyroid removed by surgery. Of course there are the risks that come with any surgery. 3) Swallow a radioactive iodine pill that attacks the thyroid. (I would pretty much be quarantined for at least 3 days and the pill is not 100%, no thanks!!! So I opted for the meds! Of course I googled and SHOULDN'T have. I started taking them on Friday. So far I haven't had any side affects. I can tell that my heart rate is slower and I haven't noticed any palpitations. Which is a good thing because when your thyroid is HYPER, it means your whole body is running a marathon 24/7.Graves Disease is actually way more common than I thought. I have had a few people reach out to me saying they too, have Graves. CRAZY! GD is more common in females from age 20-40. I have a friend (who I had no idea was struggling with the same thing as me) who is having her thyroid surgically removed on Wednesday! If you get a chance, say a little prayer for her. She is going to get back with me and let me know how it goes. Surgery was just too drastic for me. I thought I'd at least start the meds and if I didn't have any issues on them, just continue with them. I go back in 6 weeks for a blood test. One of the side effects if the medication lowering your blood levels. SO if I'm good to go, we'll continue on the same dose. Hopefully I can continue taking these and they will ease all the symptoms I have from Graves' and in the long run they thyroid will cure itself and stop producing as much hormone. The endo did suggest we hold off on getting pregnant. We were just getting ready to start trying to have another child and all of this happened. And thank the Good Lord that it did. If I hadn't gone for my yearly, I would have never known about any of this and I could have gotten pregnant and had complications. So when the dust settles and I'm in the clear, IT'S BABY MAKING TIME :)

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. I don't know who all reads this stuff, its mainly just my way of venting and writing things down and a keepsake for Hudson when he is older. But thank you all, it means so much!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today is the day!

Results Day! Yippeee.
I am almost positive the results are going to be "not so great" and I am prepared for the worst. Who knows, it may be as good as good can be. :)
Cross your fingers and say a little prayer for me. My mama is the sweetest. She called me up last night and asked if I wanted anyone to go with me. I told her I hadn't even really thought about it and I'd be okay by myself. She insisted on meeting me there and being with me.

 I'll post tomorrow, stay tuned friends!

I can't get this verse out of my head today...

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! -Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I met with an endocrinologist on September 6th and had an informative appointment and he broke it all down and even drew a picture to explain it all  :)
My blood was drawn again to see what my levels were and to check if things were abnormal. (Still haven't received those results) I left feeling more aware of the situation but still not near enough answers. That's were the "scan" comes in to place. I went to West Campus this morning to swallow a pill. A radioactive pill that releases iodine. I go back at 2 for them to scan my thyroid and take pictures. And guess what?? Still no answers until tomorrow. I go back tomorrow at 2 to get results, meaning, they'll tell me a bunch of information that will leave me saying "huh?" Then meet again with the endocrinologist ....get this... not until September 27th. WTH. I have no patience as is, why do they expect me to wait more than 2 weeks to figure out what we need to do?  Agh.
I'll be glad when this is all over and we have some answers so we know what my options are.

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Our big "alomost" 3 year old!

I hear people say this all the time and I am guilty myself, "I can't believe how fast they grow!" Ain't that the truth? Seems like a few months ago I was carrying around a basketball in my belly, with tiny feet in my ribs, constantly giggling everytime he got the hiccups :)
Our boy is turning 3 on Friday!!!!! What a blessing. We have laughed more, cried more, celebrated milestones, potty trained, made some pretty huge transitions all in a matter of 3 years. Being a mother is truely a gift and I wouldn't change it for the world. My little boy has my heart and will forever have it. Cody and will also be celebrating our 5 Year Anniversary on September 8th. WOW. That too has gone by so fast. I am one lucky lady to have two handsome boys in my life. Thank you LORD! Cody has been my punching bag, my hero, a shoulder to cry on, a cheerleader when I needed encouragement, and he has worked so hard and has sacraficed for his family. My best friend. I love you so.

Hudson moved to another class on Monday August 27th. He has Miss Donna and Miss Shadae and they both are amazing. I absolutely love this daycare. All the women who work there and the owner are such Godly women and the children follow a christian curriculum. I cannot say enough amazing things about this place!!!
Today is one of my dear friends birthday and we are celebrating by kidnapping her and taking her to Putt Putt to play lazer tag, ride go-karts, and play minuture golf!! Just to act like kids again. Love you E, happy birthday, so glad I can call you a friend.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Unsettling News...

Just the title of this blog makes me a little squirmy. Well, I had a yearly a couple of weeks ago and got some scary news. My blood pressure was super high, 170/78. TWICE. I've never once in my life had an issue with blood pressure. Until now. My doctor was concerned. Of course he should be concerned. I left the dr.'s office and went to the station where Cody was working and asked him to take my blood pressure. And of course it was normal the two times he took it. So I was thinking maybe the one at the dr. office was BROKEN. My doctor wanted to set up an ultra sound to check my thyroid. What the heck is a thyroid?? I've heard the word a few times but never really knew what it was or the role it played in my everyday life. Ah, the power of GOOGLE. Google can sometimes be very helpful and sometimes be very SCARY at the same time! Went in for my ultra sound and of course, the nurse doing it couldn't give me any news or results. Once my doctor received it, his nurse called....................................................
I have a small cyst on my thyroid. CYST. What?! "Don't google, stay off google, STOP thinking about googling!" I kept telling myself. Thank goodness my appointment with him was just days after the ultra sound because I would have gone crazy!!
He said he was NOT even concerned with the cyst, (it's very small in size and is most likely just fluid) My levels of anti bodies were through the roof. He showed me my labs and that's when it all kinda went in one ear and out the other. All I heard him say was "Graves Disease" Disease?!?!?!?!? In my crazy panic of googling thyroid and high blood pressure, I remember reading something about Graves Disease. Scary, and of course thought, nah, not me. My gynocologist is by no means a speacialist in this area but I trust him and he knows what he's talking about. My next step is to meet with an Endocrinologist. A diabetes doctor? No, not just a diabetes doctor, they speacialize in glands as well. Who knew? And I work for the Diabetes Association.
He is 99% sure my thyroid will HAVE to be removed. REMOVED. How can I function with no thyroid? A major organ of the body that controls matabolism, controls how quickly my body uses protien, and regulates other hormones in my body. Medication, that's how. I'll be on meds the REST OF MY LIFE. What a committment...

There are two ways the thyroid can be removed. One, surgery. I'll have a pretty little scar at the base of my throat. BLAH
Or two, an iodine pill. RADIOACTIVE, iodine pill that attacks the thyroid and kills it. RADIOACTIVE. I can't be around my Huddy for at least 2 days..... and there is no garantee that the pill will do the job of killing the thyroid.
This all just sounds like a bad nightmare.
How crazy is all of this?!?!?!

If you have any information on Graves Disease or thyroid issue, please let me know!!!!!!!!!! I'd like some more research other than GOOGLE.
It's actually way more common than you'd think.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Hi baby! I hope you read mama's blog one day. You are 2 1/2 and your 3rd birthday is right around the corner. We are going with a Car's theme this year because, let's face it, you are OBSESSED! You have grown in to such a handsome, smart, funny, cool, loveable little boy. We are so proud of you!!

* You can count to 30 and count backwards from 10 to 1
* You know your days of the week, months of the year, Lord's Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance!
* You have made so many new friends and they all say hi to you when I drop you off at daycare
* You love singing "Sail!" Twinkle Twinkle, Ol McDonald and anything Texas Country, you are your mama's boy!
* You love to give hugs and kisses on the cheek :)
* Some of the things that come out of your mouth are so funny, they almost make mama pee her pants
* You love visiting Daddy at the fire station and playing on the fire trucks ( & getting candy from all the guys)
* You love staying Friday nights at Chita's house and eating a cheeseburger from Texas Burger
* You still don't like eating vegtables but we sneak them in without you knowing sometimes ;)
* You love home made smoothies made by daddy
* You have a HUGE imagination and it's fun playing with you
* You have just recently gained an opinion and what you are wearing (Lord help me)
* Sometimes you are too big for your britches
* The park is your favorite place to be!
* You could spend hours in your toy room and the bath tub
* You are so handsome and remind me so much of your daddy
* You are such a good traveler, wether it be in the car or in an airplane
* I CAN'T believe you are about to be 3!!!! The best 2 1/2 years of my life have been because God blessed us with YOU!!

Love you to the moon angel boy xox

Monday, July 23, 2012

Quintana's go back to the beach

We just got back from Lewisville and I am already counting the days until our beach vacay in Santa Monica. Bel Air Bay Club here we come.........

So much going on this month! I can't believe it's almost AUGUST!!!!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Texas Fire Fire Olympics, '12

We leave Monday for FF Olympics!!!! This will be my 3rd year going and Cody's 4th. This is one of the best little get-aways we get each year. We leave early Monday morning and arrive in Lewisville, TX that afternoon. It's a whole lotta shopping, relaxing, tanning by the pool, eating amazing food time for me, while Cody and the rest of the guys golf for 4 days. We're riding with James and Alicia again this year and rooming with them. They are so much fun! Last year Olympics were in Roundrock and I have friends in Austin who we met for dinner one night. Luckily I have a couple friends not far from Lewisville that I'll be getting to see. :)
The whole group that we go with are a blast. So many stories from the previous years!!
When Hudson gets a little older, we'll start taking him. Right now it's a mommy and daddy get-away :)

On another note, I need to start planning a 3 year BIRTHDAY PARTY! Where does the time go? I'm pretty sure we are going with the Cars theme but it could change to Angry Birds any day now.... He's got this weird obsession with that game. What a little stinker we've got on our hands these days. Time out and spankings have been a daily thing for us :(
We're going to have our hands full when he's a teenager.

I can FINALLY report that Gram is out of the hospital!!!!!!!!!! Of course she got out when both mom and I were out of town but luckily she had a very close friend from church take her home. She is still very weak and has little energy but she is eating solid foods and has a nurse that comes to her home everyday :))
Big improvement from just two weeks ago. GOD IS SO GOOD
A lot of TLC and resting is in her future but what a blessing to finally have her home.

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoic and be glad in it!! -Psalm 118:24

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day 2012

It's probably one of the greatest feelings in the world. Watching the man who sent me a love note in 7th grade, asking me to the movies with a check YES or NO box at the bottom, the man who was my high school sweet heart, the man who was, is and will always be my BEST FRIEND in the entire world, the man who surprised me with a proposal of marriage on the lake with some of our dearest friends, the man who has sacraficed anything and everything for our family, the man who vowed to love, honor and cherish me through the good times and the bad, the man who gave me such a wonderful, carefree, angelic, handsome baby boy, be the BEST father to our son! He celebrated his 3rd Father's Day this Sunday! I am so thankful that our boy has a positive, God fearing, loveable daddy to look up to. I couldn't have asked for a better father for Hudson.

And a special Father's Day to my father! He's such a nut but I love him all the same. He just returned from a trip to Hawaii, talk about a Father's Day present ;)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Not the norm..

Usually my posts are about what's going on in our crazy busy life and our rambunctious 2 1/2 year old. Not today! I just wanted to do a little post about the book 50 Shades of Grey. It's a trilogy and considered "mommy porn." <--- I hate that word. Anywho, practically everyone in my girlfriend circle was reading it. I'm usually the LAST to join in on anything. I had mixed feelings about it and for some reason I thought it had a completely different story line behind it. I knew it was raunchy but I thought the woman character was married and started a "fling" with some guy in her office. I'm not much on the whole, "cheating" while married thing ya know :) So it didn't interest me in the slightest. EVERY single time the girls and I got together, the book is ALL they talked about. I finally did some research and found out, my initial thought on the book was completely WRONG. It's about a college student who interviews a very attractive, wealthy, business man for her college newspaper. So I did it. I bought the book, not the trilogy and now looking back, I should have bout all 3 ;) I started the book last Friday morning. Five pages in, I COULDN'T put it down. And that was before all the raunchy stuff happened. Needless to say, I finished all 3 books within 6 days. My friend Laural finished in 5. BAM! It actually is a really great story. Let me warn you though, it will make you giggle, blush, and you will be asking yourself, "DID I REALLY JUST READ THAT?" These books are out of my norm, I usually stick with the inspirational, uplifting, books BUT this was a great "outside of the box" type of book, WAY OUTSIDE THE BOX. If you have some time, read it!

Laters Baby!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

A long road to recovery

This is day 21 that Gram has been in the hospital. I can report that she is doing much better and that all her tubes should be coming out SOON! (fingers crossed) She went in for a simple prcedure on May 11 to fix a hole in her esophagus which was causing her to feel nauseated and dizzy ALL the time. She had a difficult time eating as well. We all thought this would be a simple surgery. A few hours of surgery and a couple nights stay in the hospital. Hudson and I met my mom and Gram at the hospital the day of because her initial surgery time got pushed back from 6:30am to 10:30am. It was about a 3 1/2 hour surgery and the Dr. had told my mom everything went well. She was in recovery for almost 3 hours, which is normal. We met her up in her room when she was ready. The doctor had told my mom that an air bubble was still in her stomach and that they'd let it run it's course and see if it fixed itself. If not, they'd have to insert a chest tube.She was still a little groggy and in pain but she knew what was going on. Then it started.......she clinched her left side, above her heart....... we all thought she was having a heart attack......... but the nurse assured us that it wasn't. All of her vitals were good she was just having excruciating pain on her left side. Gram is a tough TOUGH woman and to see her in that much pain and no one really knowing what was going on, was a little terrifying! After a few minutes and several nurses coming in and out, they decided that the air pocket had moved up into her chest and caused her left lung to compress, making it difficult for her to breathe. Thank the good Lord for pain meds. They started morphine. That helped a little but she was still in pain, you could see it in her eyes. Cody had been in the ER that evening doing clinicals and I was keeping him updated. He had a few free minutes and came up to the floor we were on, (thank goodness, becuase he calmed me down and explianed to me that everything was going to be alright and wiped my tears!)

Her recovery process has been anything but easy. With her breathing being low, oxygyn levels low as well, not being able to rest and having tens of thousands of tubes in her body, it's been a battle. But she is the strongest woman I know. Somehow, we are still unsure of how but she developed an infection close to her stomach where the doctor had made the incision. They only discovered the infection because they had scheduled a SECOND surgery to see what was going on and why she wasn't recovering the way she was supposed to. The infection was MASSIVE! The doctor told my mom, HE WAS SURPRISED SHE HAD MADE IT 24 HOURS........
Tell me that woman doesn't have gaurdian angels watching over her. The infection caused her to become SEPTIC. Her bloodstream was infected. This granted her a trip to CCU. She was put on a ventilator, somehow they added more tubes to her body. It was a waiting process..... thay caught the infection in time and pumped her body FULL of antibiotics. And she fought. And fought. And she continues to fight. She was only on the vent for a day and did great when they took it out. She breathed on her own like a CHAMP!!! She moved from CCU to a progressive care room only to find out she had fluid on her lungs and ANOTHER small infection. More antibiotics and a chest tube to drain the fluid. The fluid has been drained and the infection conquered! Once again, GLORY TO GOD!!!!!
I won't even go in to detail about her hallusinations. Very scary but they are under control. They are hoping to remove some of the tubes by this weekend and she will under go physical therapy for a while. If you have any extra prayers, please pray for this woman. She can use whatever you've got. God has bigger plans for her.
I know it.

Monday, May 7, 2012


I just wanted to do a quick post about all the funny things our little boys says. (And I have to applaud myself for all the new updates and posts!) WHOOP.

Our angel has such a personality and is too funny. Just some of the things that come our of his mouth are too funny not to share. His imagination is HUGE and he can entertain himself for what feels like FOREVER.
Saturday we bought a pretty decent sized pool for our backyard to surprise Hudson. We showed him and his face lit up. He then said, "All this pool for me?!" We told him, for his friends too and mommy and daddy. He then looked at us with this "um ok, I guess I'll share" look.

When I asked him last week how daycare was going and what he thought of his teachers, he said, "Miss Nikka is on baycation!" I said, "Oh yea? She'll be back though, she needed a break." He replied, "From me?" Hahaha

He took a late nap yesterday so he wasn't tired when we laid him down for bed time. Around 10, we heard him still up so we decided to get him and let him lay in bed with us for a little bit while we watched the news. I asked, "Could you not sleep?" "No, my eyes aren't tired and I just can't wake up!" LOL

He rambles a lot and it's too funny. He bunches a lot of different things in one sentence. "I'm going to eat this mac & cheese and Chita is going to come pick me up to stay the night with her." "My daddy is a fireman and he puts out fire and rides the ambulance, fire truck and he wears fire stuff. "I'll watch daddy play softball and he'll give me a 5." (high five)

Any older lady we see with gray hair he says, "Hey Gram!" Mama, there's Gram!" So funny but kind of embarassing.

"Hush it up mama!" I guess when I ask him too many questions. But not sure where he got that from...
"I got this mom, you don't help me!" When he goes to the potty
"I need to go to Toys R Us." Allllll the time, like he doesn't have enough toys..
He sings along to every song in the car with me, unless he doesn't like it and he will always make that clear. "Change it, I'm not interested!"
Everytime we face time my dad, he says, "I'm coming to California to see see Mickey and Shampoo!"


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sea World trip

Welp, we are back from San Diego and Hudson has pink eye in BOTH eyes! First it started in the left eye and spread to the right. Luckily we had drops left over from the last time he had it.
We had such a wonderful trip. Even though we were on the go from the moment we touched down at LAX it was such a fun memorable trip. We arrived in LA around 9:15, 11:15 Texas time. It was our first time to have all day Thursday and even with the early wake up call ( we were at the Midland airport around 5:45am) it was nice to have the whole day! Hudson was exhasted so he napped about 30 min on the plane. Friday morning we woke up and loaded 7 deep in the mini van Dad rented for 2 days. (My step brother Matthew and his girlfriend Leah joined us.) The drive from Palmdale to SD is supposed to be aroun 3 hours. About 4 stops laster and some serious rain in Los Angeles we arrived about 5 hours later. We checked in to our resort and let me just say ::: BREATH TAKING! It lives up to it's name. Paradise Point. Hud, Cody and I had our own room where our back door lead to a patio and the San Diego bay.

It was a little overcast and sprinkling but it was still beautiful. We loaded back up and headed to get something to eat in Old Town. A beautiful part of SD right down the street from us. They had a pineapple chipotle margarita on the menu and it was THE best marg I have ever had.
The place was called Cafe Coyote and I highly recommend it if you are ever in the area. They had amazing calamari. It was huge and fried. It looked like a cheese stick. As soon as we were done and waiting on the check, the sun came out and it warmed up! Just in time to check out and shop in Old Town. They had super cute little shops. T-shirts and souvenirs, candy and fudge shops, jewelry and nick nacks. They also had the most amazing churros! I haven't had a churro in years! It was delish. We got back to the resort and little Huddy Q was so tired he passed out early. The rest of the gang hung out on the back patio and enjoyed the view until it started raining again!
We woke up early Saturday morning to get ready to see "Shampoo" <--isn't that the cutest? That's what Hud calls Shamu. We headed to Shamu first thing. The show started 15 min after we got there and of course, Dad suggested we sit in the SOAK ZONE! The sun peeked in and out of the clouds and it was a cool 50 degrees. But he convinced us to do it anyway, then bought a $20 Shamu towel just in case we did get "soaked." (We didn't, thank goodness)
Hudson was so amazed! I was watching him more than I was the whales.
We headed over to Seasame Street and rode Elmo's Flying Fish and let him run around and play on all the cool things they had. Cody and I were just as amazed at everything as Hudson was. I haven't been to Sea World in about 10 years.
We stayed and watched the dolphin show, watched Elmo in 4D, enjoyed hot dogs and turkey legs and rode a few more rides. When it was time to leave, he was so tired and crashed as soon as we got him in his car seat. He was so good the whole time, even on the long car ride there and back. Sea World SD trip = SUCCESS! We stayed most of the day Sunday in Palmdale. Cody golfed and I shopped and we headed to the airport around 3 to catch our 5pm flight. Until next time California <3......

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Big Boy Class

We've officially moved Hud up to the 3 year old class yesterday, April 9, 2012. Bittersweet. This class is more advanced and he needed that challenge. It was a little tough on him. He went in not knowing anyone and not used to his new teachers, so of  course, that made it hard on me too. He cried, I cried, it was a tough send off. It was good to hear when I came and picked him up, that he didn't cry much longer after I left and he had a really good day! He's such a tropper. He's still getting used to a new environment so this morning wasn't as rough but he cried. OY! I know today will be the same as yesterday and he'll be just fine. My little baby boy is growing in to a fine little boy. BITTERSWEET! I sure hope his short week at daycare in his new class doesn't throw him off when we return Monday from our vacation in San Diego!!!!!

We leave at the CRACK of dawn on Thursday morning. I mean, CRACK! We have to be at the airport at 5:45 to catch a 6:45am flight. I still don't understand why the Midland airport hasn't put in a STARBUCKS. C'mon people!!! We get to LAX at 8:30 though. So we have all day Thursday. We leave early Friday morning and drive to SD! Here we come Shamoo. (Hudson calls him shampoo!) Too sweet.
Spend all day Friday at Sea World and have a nice dinner. We are staying at Paradise Point Resort, the name alone sounds fantastic.

The island that Paradise Point is on.

Shampoo! Sea World SD

I have to blog this so when we look back and read this we'll all have a good little chuckle. This was a few weeks ago when Hudson got out of the bath and Cody was getting him dressed. He looked down at his chest and pointed to his nipples. he asked Cody "what are these?" Cody responded, "nipples" Hud waited for a moment and said, "oh, nickles?" we both just died! Then he proceeded to say, "not quarters?" I adore that little angel. What a stink.
So excited for our mini family get-a-way.

Monday, March 26, 2012

A day with my boy!

I love days when it's just me and Hud! Don't get me wrong, we both miss daddy when he is on shift but a little one on one time with one of my favorite boys is so special to me. We started off going to the park on Sunday before it got outragiously HOT. He swang, slid and ran around. I wish I had 1/2 the energy he does.

Then we headed for the Children's Museum! I love that place. Not only is it fun and educational for him but it's also air conditioned :)
We saw Nemo in the fish tank, played with toys, mini golfed, played in the news room and dug for dinosaur bones in the sand.

So silly. He's always making me laugh!

This was Saturday. We are trying to get our yard "healthy" again but with little rainfall, that's hard! Hud needed to cool off because it got to 90 degrees.

                                                                      Tire swingin'

                                                      Love you to the moon baby boy!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

California Dreamin'

We've got our Cali weekend booked! We leave April 12 and return April 15. This time we are actually getting to visit the lovely city of San Diego!!! In all the years I have been traveling to see my dad, I have yet to visit the wonderful city of SD! Dad and Jill have been talking for years about retiring there. I have heard so many great things about this city. The scenery, the shopping, the dining and all the fun things for the kiddos of course. I've done some research and we are going to check out the aquarium, La Jolla Cove and possibly Lego Land for Hudster.

                                                                 San Diego, CA
                                                                 La Jolla Cove
                                It will be a little too chilly to swim but we can sure feed the seagulls!
I'm not sure if Huddy is old enough to really enjoy Legoland but we shall see. If not, I'm sure there are plenty of adventures we can have.

Our good friends Michael and Casie are having their little girl today!!!!! they are going to be such wonderful parents. Can't wait to meet miss Brnkley!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wedding Festivities..

Let the games begin! So begins another busy wedding season. Just when I thought we had put that behind us! I am still recovering from last year's weddings! I love weddings, I really do. At one point a few years ago I was extremely close to taking a wedding planning class to become a Wedding Planner. I thought I had done a fantastic job planning my own wedding and even had friends coming to me with questions while planning wedding. Then I realized how exhausting it was. So I passed. Cody was asked to be the Best Man in a wedding last weekend. It was one of his brothers from the Fire Department in Big Spring. His partner for almost two years. Lance is a great guy and what a beautiful wedding it was.

My handsome date for the Murphy wedding

This weekend starts the festivities of James and Alicia! Cody and James have been best friends for almost 25 years. (I feel like I've known James just as long.) He is also the best man in this wedding. What a beatiful couple these two are. Seriously, Alicia is the calm, rational one while James is the wild crazy one. I have never seen him more happy =)
They are both so fun to be around. I call them our Travel Buddies! We've been to FF Olympics 2 years now and Ruidoso twice and they are the BEST! Alicia is such a sweet soul and couldn't be more happy for them. This weekend is their couple's shower. I wish nothing but many years of happiness for them both.
My dear friend, Double Trouble, as I like to call her, Ashley is also planning her wedding in August! I am so thrilled for this girl. She deserves nothing but the BEST! The girls and I are in charge of her wedding shower and bachelorette party. Now, I can throw some parties! Especially bachelorette parties! We are planning a river trip and a 6th street party in Austin :)

Don't even get me started on Baby Showers this year!!!!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A little bit of sad news and playing in the MUD...

Well, Hawaii has been postponed! Waaaahhhh. With Cody's work schedule and medic class it's beyond complicated to take some days off. But there is still hope!! Possible May trip..Plus March is whale watching month and that makes the prices JUMP!

I am trying to convince some of my girlfriends that this is a good idea:

I mean, why not?? I have been researching WD since before I got knocked up ;-) Looks lovely eh?? Last year scheduling conflict got in the way but this year it's ON! So that means Jewels, Kristen, Em, Erin and Laural, YOU ARE SIGNING UP!! Ready GO. Someone has to do it with me.

Get Dirty!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Movin' on the 3 year old class

Yes, you read that correctly. My not even 2 1/2 year old will be with 3 year old children. The decision came a little soon but we feel it's the right choice. You see, Hudson is a BIG boy and he knows it. He sometimes uses his brute strength and size to, let's say horse around with the other kiddos who are half his size. His teachers had noticed this and told us that he's never very rough, he just plays a little harder than the rest of them ;-)
I talked with the daycare director, Ms. Helen. Let me tell you how wonderful this woman is. Her daycare establishment is fantastic and her learning curriculum is just brilliant. Within a month and 1/2 of Hudson being there, he was saying the months of the year and days of the week. They work on one color a day, one shape and the day of the week. They also include the Lord's Prayer. Amazing right? RIGHT! Anywho, she also knows our child as "the one who pulled the fire alarm." That's another story. =))

So we move up to the 3 year old class on Monday. I pray this is an easy transition for him and his teachers are loving and patient with him. I am thankful that we actually know two other children in there and their mommies! Please say a quick prayer for this to be the right decision for all of us. Thanks!

The mountains are calling our name!! We leave for Ruidoso in a few days and it couldn't have come at a better time. I am so excited! We are traveling with a large group of other couples and staying at the cabins we always stay at in a two story 5 bedroom cabin!! FOR FREE!!! The owners of Pinon Park are wonderful people and family friends. Cody had called up to see what was available and Renee said that the cabin she had was going to be free of charge for us that weekend. She truly is such a sweet woman. Check it out if you ever head that way

Cody is on his 4 day and I'm so excited we get to spend time together. It seems we both have been so busy. He just finished his A&P class and started paremedic. He has been working so hard. We have a busy weekend full of birthday parties and baby showers! Happy weekend to all.

"The woman who creates and sustains a home, and under whose hands children grow up to be strong and pure men and women, is a creator second only to God!"

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I am actually getting to cross something off my BUCKET LIST! Probably ONE of the destinations closest to my heart! No, not Paris....but this place ain't so bad either.


Daddio has had a condo there for about a year that he shares with a business partner and every year they switch off months. This year it's Dad's turn and we were just lucky enough to get an invite!!! I'm so glad we get to experience this as a family. I have googled every website that even mentions Maui. I want to soak it all in and get the full experience, just as soon as I get my daily UV rays from the gorgeous sun on the most beautiful beaches. =)))

{{Insert cheesy grin here.}}
I am like a kid in a candy store.
Cody is just excited that he gets to golf!!

I'm drooling!

I want to zipline, rock climb, scuba dive, learn to surf mind is going 90 miles an hour. I can just imagine Huddy on the white sand beaches!
There is also a great aquarium there that he'd love.

So so very grateful we get to experience this wonder of the world. We are blessed beyond belief and can't wait untill MARCH!!!!!

Maui, Hawaii

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Oh hey, 2012 nice to meet you! Crazy that you are here already.

Once again, I have been slacking and have so much to catch up on but not even sure where to start...
We just took a fabulous trip to Grapvine, TX and stayed at the Gaylord Texan. What an experience. This hotel is amazing and we had a great stay. We upgraded to a atrium view that was stunning. They go all out during Christmas and so much to see. Hudson had a great time and was in awe of pretty much everything. We did the Shrek the Halls ICE exhibit and WOW! Amazing. 9 degrees, big blue parkas and ice slides!! So fun. But it was FREEZING! We ventured to the Garpevine Mills mall and did our last minute Christmas shopping and dined at Rainforest Cafe. =))
Then on to Bass Pro Shop, of course!

Christmas was wonderful and it was truly a joy to see Hud light up about the Holidays. This year was so fun. I played "santa" because Cody was on shift Christmas Eve. But Christmas morning it was on! Cody came home and we were still in bed. When we woke Hud, he had no clue what was going on. We guided him to the living room, turned the lights on and BAM! Santa came!!
Our first White Christmas since like 1997 I think! We had more snow in December than I can remember ever having in my life! And it snowed again yesterday (Jan 9,2012) 10.5 inches
I wish it would have let me upload the whole video because it's just too cute! But I had to edit it.

HAPPY 2012!!!!!!
Looking forward to what this year brings.

Blessings =)