Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Oil Pulling...?

Has anyone ever heard of oil pulling? I first heard about it a few months ago because I saw a pin on Pinterest and it had me intrigued... so I opened the link and read a little about it but never "pinned" it. Last night scrolling through Pinterest, I saw that one of my friends had pinned it so I opened it once more. I used the power of Google, I love Google and did some more research. You can "oil pull" with various different oils but I just so happened to have extra virgin coconut oil, like a two year supply because I use it for everything. It truly is amazing!! It's a wonderful moisturizer, lotion, you can cook with it, swallow a teaspoon full and it helps with digestion, your immune system and leaves your skin very soft and glowing.

I have to admit, the first 2 minutes or so of having the oil in my mouth was terrible! I hate the texture and the oil is solid and weird. I had to hold my nose ;-) but after that it's tolerable. Swish it around for a good 15 min, (I know that sounds like a long time and my jaw did kinda hurt before the 15 min was up) you can do it in 10 min intervals. Spit the oil OUT, don't swallow because the oil now contains all the toxins it "pulled" from your body. I have been wanting to do some sort of detox but the majority of them that I've found are very expensive, maybe a little dangerous and some leave you running to the bathroom every 10 minutes. NO thanks!!

Benefits of Oil Pulling:
* Brighter whiter teeth
* Pinker healthier gums
* Helps with sleep
* Clearer skin
* Helps with PMS/menstrual symptoms
* Headaches
* Helps with asthma
I'm a sucker for anything that calls for EVCO -extra virgin coconut oil so I had to try this.

It says it's best to do this in the morning on an empty stomach. So I started this morning and will try to keep it up and blog my results!

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