Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Where has January gone?!

I feel like I always say this but WHERE HAS JANUARY GONE?! Seriously, the first month of 2013 has flown by. Our little Huddy monkey will be 4 in no time :( He is such a blessing and we thank God for him everyday. He keeps us on our toes and brings so much love and laughter into our home. Just yesterday we were visiting Gram and I as we were leaving, I told him to get in his seat so I could buckle him. "Mom, please don't sass me!" is what I got. I couldn't help but laugh. Gram was at the car door saying bye and heard him and she couldn't help but laugh either! The things out of this little guys mouth I tell ya. He is smart as a whip, knows the President of the United States, Vice President, Secretary, Speaker of the House and so on. (Things I am ashamed that I don't even know) He knows the books of the Bible and sounds so precious reciting them. He's just recently started to talk back and say "I don't like you" when we discipline him. Acting like a teenager already..... We gave him the option this year of having a birthday party or taking a fun family vacation with just the 3 of us. Right now it's a party but I'm sure that'll change soon. I can't believe he will be turning 4 this year.

This was at our friend's little girl's 1st birthday. He did not get off this thing the entire 2 1/2 hours we were there. So this will be a 4th birthday present for sure.

Everything in our house is going well! We joined the Y in January and not because it was a "resolution" because Cody is obsessed with racquetball and he and his buddy James go allllllllllllllllllll the time. So we got the family membership. I have always been a Gold's girl. I worked there for 2 years and have always had a membership because I loved the classes and knew a lot of people that went there. I got out of the whole "gym scene" because there just wasn't enough time and I refused to put Hud in the daycare there. When we started at the Y it was a whole new ballgame. I had been there once with a friend and just wasn't in to it. Cody gave me a quick tour and he was off to play. Ever since then, I've been doing classes at lunch and it's pretty great! I don't have to worry about someone watching Hud and I usually get in 45 min of cardio and my workout is done for the day.
Still having an issue with my right eye. I saw an eye specialist on Wednesday and he confirmed TED. He said it was mild and there was nothing he could do. WAH. But at least it's not affecting my vision. On a good note, my levels look great and my thyroid meds are doing their job!! Hooray. I made an appointment with a top of the line eye center in San Diego and see them in March! This is also going to be our California trip to see my dad. Hoping for some more information :))

Cody has his MFD pinning this Friday!!! He's been employed with the Midland Fire Department for a little over a year! I am so proud of him and love our MFD family!!

"Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile!" Mother Teresa
Love that


  1. I seriously can't get over that roller coaster...this is definitely on our birthday list too! Too bad we are too big for it :( Glad your thyroid meds are working!!

  2. I am with Jodi, WE want the roller coaster too!!! Love the update, always good to hear how the Quintana's are doing!
