So much for that April showers business! West Texas hasn't seen rain in, I think I heard 107 days! Some parts of town got some showers yesterday. Our side of town, DID NOT :(
We've been working on the yard a lot lately, trying to get our beautiful green grass back we once had before the drought. (We have a water well so please don't turn us in to the city) It's always great to turn the sprinkler on and watch Hud run and play. I've always wanted pretty pots, flowers and a garden but somehow the Green Thumb thing skipped me. Gram of course, could grow anything and keep everything alive. As well as my mom. Me, not so much! And it's not like I don't try. Our board members sent a beautiful peace lilly plant for Gram's service and I took it home. I kid you not, maybe 5 days later the dadgum plant had some black leaves. So I took it to my mom and she has nursed it back to health. She did say, she had never seen leaves do that and tried to assure me it wasn't my fault, HA. Anyway, I am pleased to say I have had a beautiful hanging pot (that Hud and I created ourselves) for almost 2 weeks with the most gorgeous colorful flowers and they are all alive. Hooray me. Time to move on to the fun potted stuff!
Still missing my Gram everyday. It's hard to drive by her street and know that her house will be for sale soon. It's hard to have nothing to do on the weekends and know that we could be visiting her and playing in the backyard. It's hard not picking up the phone to call her and tell her the funny things Hud said that day or asking for a recipe. It's really hard not hearing her voice. I do know that she has the best seat in the house and knows exactly what is going on in our lives and isn't missing a beat. I LOVE YOU!
Easter 2011! 4 generations
So much has been going! Baby showers and parties. Hud starts swim lessons on May 7th. He'll be going to the Y Tuesday's and Thursday's. He's really excited because he gets to wear really cool goggles. We've been practicing "coach pitch" (throwing him the baseball and having him hit it instead of starting with a tee) He's really good. We go super early in the morning to have a cavity crowned. I'm nervous about the anesthesia he'll receive but other than that, I feel pretty comfortable. Please say a little prayer for him in the morning. He is getting so big! And his mouth is growing much faster than he is ;-) He's been talking back lately and has been getting in trouble and toys taken away. Then the little stink will come up and be the sweetest little thing with his big brown eyes and say, "I'm sorry I didn't listen." He knows how to work it. He's been doing so great at daycare. We got a progress report and he knows so much. We need to work on spelling his last name and writing his first name. He's pretty much got it down, his s and n are a little funny but it's so fun to watch him concentrate on the letters.
This was our conversation in the car this morning:
Hudson- "mom do you want another baby?"
Me- "I do!"
Hud- "why do you want to replace me?"
Me- "I don't want to replace you at all, you are my first baby and I will always love you. I just want another baby and I want you to have a brother or sister to play with."
Hudson- "Well, if I have a brother he can jump on the trampoline with me."
silly goose
We went out to the MFD drill field yesterday and fished. There is a pond where all the run off water goes when it rains (which is NEVER) somehow it still has water and it's a pretty decent size. Hud had the first catch and it was a pretty big catfish. I don't know who was more excited, Cody or Hud. Cody was so proud that Hud reeled in the fish by himself. It was fun to watch both of them :)) We each caught a fish each and it was such a beautiful day.
I do not have a green thumb either! I kill everything. There is onlyone plant that has been alive now for 5 years and it's in my office. When I start slacking I have people that will come by and water it hahaha. Parker starts swim lessons in June! Hope his dentist appointment goes good :(
ReplyDeleteWhere is she going Jodi? When are ya'll making the big move??
ReplyDeleteDentist went well, minus the whole shot in the arm to sedate him. He was up and running around right after we got home and he woke up from his nap. Silly boy!