I'm staying away from gluten as much as possible. Except the occasional beer and I have only had once since starting this. Yay. And any and all added sugar! That's been kinda tough considering I had once cup of coffee each morning with creamer and sugar. I'm anxiously awaiting my next lab appointment to see how my thyroid levels are and to see if change in diet has helped at all. This last appointment will be a major game changer and will determine if I will be getting my thyroid surgically removed! If my levels are normal, I will continue on my medication. If they have raised or dipped at ALL, out with the ol thyroid. Eeek
I start a class at the Y on October 1st, (what a lovely birthday present I have given myself) GRIT. I'm taking it with a few friends and actually convinced Alicia she needed to do it to, so for now, she said she was going to sign up....we'll see. Wish me luck
The LES MILLS GRIT™ Series is for you if:
Hudson had his 4 year well check today and I made daddy take him :( 4 shots and he called me after his appointment. As much as he tried to act like it was ok, he was so pouty and made me cry even though I wasn't there to see it for myself. Poor baby! 42'' tall and 41 lbs and of course in the 95% for height and weight. Whata champ. Daddy is taking him for ice cream as we speak.
WHOA! 41 pounds and 42' tall???? Wow!! I'll be praying your levels are good!