Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Growing, Growing, Growing.....

So, should I be happy that the lady in Wee Gems (nursery at Stonegate) asked how old Hudson was this past Sunday, my response "16 months" hers, "he's very advanced for this group.." or should I be a little sad that my baby boy is really not a baby anymore?? I actually got to rock him back to sleep last night and reminisce on his infant days. I could have rocked him all night but my eyelids were thinking otherwise. It's not often he sits still long enough for me to snatch a kiss here and there, so I cherish every moment I get like this.

Funny story: Cody and I headed to HEB last week to stock up on groceries. Everytime we go we usually get enough for a month or more. Well we hadn't been in a while and we stocked up on EVERYTHING. Mind you, we are a family of three and Cody and I are pretty avid eaters and our son follows close behind (although he has been very picky lately, not liking that at all) Our bill was pretty steep and when our total came up we both kinda gasped and looked at each other and laughed. I'm sure that is no where near the amout we will be spending when our litle munchkin is in elementary, not to mention jr high and high school. Oh, the days I am looking forward to. But not rushing it by any means.

We've been working on our alphabet! He is trying so hard to repeat the letters after me. Such a smart cookie<3

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