Oh how I wish I could keep up with this thing! My pictures are out of wack, my background is non existant...it's a mess. Anyway...exciting news...
Someone turned 18 months old!!!!!! I can't believe it. Hudson turned 18 months the 28th of February. At 18 months he is all over the place, a big ball of energy. He's being a very picky eater and doesn't have a wide variety of foods he'll eat. It's mainly mac n cheese, potatoes, some meats, cheese, yogurt, fruit, NO VEGGIES and anything sweet. And he's doing this weird thing where he puts everything in his mouth but spits it out and looks at it. ?!?!? if he likes it, he puts it back in, if not, he hands it over to me...thanks baby. We converted his pack in play over at Gram's house to a toddler bed and boy that has been a challenge. His morning naps are no prob. Gram sometimes lays with him and he falls asleep fast. Afternoon naps are a struggle and he's a hot mess come 6:00! We were thinking of nixing out the afternoon naps all together but he is a winey mess late in the afternoon. He just knows he has freedom in that bed and has no boundries and gets up and walks out of the room. He's hilarious and is such a ham. He loves attention and will be sure to grab yours. He's learning so quickly, and is the most precious thing in my life. I'm starting to research daycares and I'm scared out of my mind. At least by the time he is two, I'd like to have him around other children and get him used to the daycare environment. We have been so blessed having Gram watch him. I wouldn't have changed it for the world. But I will so be that crazy mom who shows up everyday to check on him ;-)
I love Spring and all the warm weather it brings minus the winds. Speaking of winds, Cody worked with the Texas Forest Service last Sunday and put out at least 5 different grass fires. Winds got up to around 60-70 mph (maybe even higher) but it was pure mayhem! Very scary, but he is amazing and seems to be fearless when it comes to helping other and being selfless. He's my HERO!
Weddings, Weddings, OH MY!! Some of my dearest and bestest friends are getting married this year! If you know me, I LOVE WEDDINGS. For the past couple of years, the majority of my close girlfriends were all in serious relationships, but nothing more. Marriage had been discussed in some of them, but nothing in the near future. I was the early bird and got hitched in 2007. Since that time I have been (not so) patientally waiting for someone, just one of them to get engaged. Holy Moly! First it was my dear friend Emily, then Ciji followed, then Nikki and then Laural!! It was such a special time for all of them and they were all on cloud 9! They all have wonderful finaces and I am truly so excited for them all. Emily's wedding will be in Las Vegas and I can not begin to tell you how excited I am for all of the festivities. A wedding and a quick get away with all my favorite people. =)
Bring on the crazy few months ahead. I am ready to enjoy it with my closest friends and family.
18 months...going on 18. Such a big boy. We LOVE you HRQ
Happy 18 Months Hudson!! Bring little Huddy to Animal Krackers!! Parker & him can be buds :)