Monday, August 30, 2010


Tomorrow is the day. Hudson Rhyder Quintana will be a year old. And mommy will be an emotional wreck. (In a good way, if that's possible.) This time last year Cody and I were as best prepared to bring a baby into this world as we could be. We had a nice dinner at Outback last year, double checked our hospital bags and tried to get as much rest as possible. (No such luck) At 5:00am we arrived at the hospital ready to meet our son. 12, long, very long, some stressful, some peaceful hours later we were told I was at a 10 and it was time!!! And at that very moment I knew that my child was going to be stubborn. Pushing was endless and it felt like I couldn't push any longer and was out of energy. Dr. Doke told me his head was in a weird position and was unable to get a good grasp on him. C-section it was. I was terrified. Thankfully my family and husband were there to calm my nerves (and some very awesome drugs.) At 9:35 pm August 31, 2009 we had a bouncing, handsome, sweet angel baby boy!!!!!!

This past year has been so very amazing....can't wait for many more.

Saturday is the BIG party!! Pictures to follow =)

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