Friday, July 13, 2012

Texas Fire Fire Olympics, '12

We leave Monday for FF Olympics!!!! This will be my 3rd year going and Cody's 4th. This is one of the best little get-aways we get each year. We leave early Monday morning and arrive in Lewisville, TX that afternoon. It's a whole lotta shopping, relaxing, tanning by the pool, eating amazing food time for me, while Cody and the rest of the guys golf for 4 days. We're riding with James and Alicia again this year and rooming with them. They are so much fun! Last year Olympics were in Roundrock and I have friends in Austin who we met for dinner one night. Luckily I have a couple friends not far from Lewisville that I'll be getting to see. :)
The whole group that we go with are a blast. So many stories from the previous years!!
When Hudson gets a little older, we'll start taking him. Right now it's a mommy and daddy get-away :)

On another note, I need to start planning a 3 year BIRTHDAY PARTY! Where does the time go? I'm pretty sure we are going with the Cars theme but it could change to Angry Birds any day now.... He's got this weird obsession with that game. What a little stinker we've got on our hands these days. Time out and spankings have been a daily thing for us :(
We're going to have our hands full when he's a teenager.

I can FINALLY report that Gram is out of the hospital!!!!!!!!!! Of course she got out when both mom and I were out of town but luckily she had a very close friend from church take her home. She is still very weak and has little energy but she is eating solid foods and has a nurse that comes to her home everyday :))
Big improvement from just two weeks ago. GOD IS SO GOOD
A lot of TLC and resting is in her future but what a blessing to finally have her home.

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoic and be glad in it!! -Psalm 118:24

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear your Gram is doing better! Have fun on your little getaway!
