Monday, July 21, 2014

30 weeks!!!!!

Well, 30 weeks tomorrow but who is counting? The dreaded 3rd trimester. I felt so great the 2nd then along came the 3rd and brought back the tiredness, the endless heartburn (which is so crazy! I've never experienced heart burn, not once being pregnant with Hudson, NOT NEVER!) and the sleepless nights. I'm exhausted when my head hits the pillow (right around 9:45 or 10pm) but when the lights are off and I finally get situated, I can't sleep. Ughhhh. I finally doze off a couple hours later only to wake up around 3 or 4 not being able to fall asleep and my HIPS, lets just talk about hips. They hurt so bad! I toss and turn from my left side to the right and move probably a total of 22,394 times a night (doesn't even phase my husband. grr)
Whyyyyy??! Enough about me, let's talk baby!

My last appointment I did the dreaded glucose test and drank the orange drink, which by the way, was terrible! I went back an hour later for them to draw labs and BOOM, passed! She was measuring right at 29 weeks and her heart rate was a strong 143. I'm all registered at the hospital (which I don't remember doing with Hudson. Maybe it's just been too long but I don't remember doing all that.) My first "sprinkle" is in just a few short weeks. Sprinkles are all the rage, especially for 2nd and 3rd babies. This will be just a small group of friends and some family. I took my little guy with me to register at Target the other day and he was super excited to use the scanner "gun" Well we get there and they hand us a rectangle scanner thing and he says, "Mom, that isn't a gun!" Sorry dude. I forgot how much stuff is needed for newborns, especially GIRLS! We had so much fun though and of course he had so many questions, "what's that for?" "Why do you need that?"

                                                                        Big Helper!

                                         Baby girls' bed skirt. Can't wait to see it all together!

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