Tuesday, September 2, 2014

5th Birthday

Our handsome guy turned 5 this past Sunday. 5. I still can't believe it. And he's in kindergarten.

We celebrated early by taking our family trip to Great Wolf Lodge a couple of weeks ago. Being 8 months pregnant, the last thing I wanted to do was plan a party so we opted for a family getaway and I'm so thankful we did. He has been talking about the trip since we got home. We all enjoyed ourselves.
Saturday, Cody was off shift so we got the family together and one of Hud's buddies, Caden and invited everyone to Chuck E Cheese for some games and pizza. Hudson and Caden have been friends since birth. Caden's dad is an MFD'er. Caden is just a couple of months older than Hudson and they are tiny little bff's. We were there a little over 2 hours and the boys had such a great time. Hudson won about 450 tickets :)
He woke up the morning of his birthday and came to our room and said "Mom, I'm 5 and I am taller!!" He is constantly making me giggle.
On Sunday, his actual birthday (Cody was on shift) it was just me and my guy. We went to McDonald's and had breakfast, played at the park (in 95 degree weather at 10:00am) he got to play at Mia's for a while on his new basketball hoop! And one of his friends from down the street came over to play.

Thank goodness Monday was a holiday, we all needed the rest! Monday was also opening day of dove season and Cody wanted to take Hudson shooting. They went to Academy to get a hunting license and they were off. It was so hot yesterday I thought Hudson would only last an hour or so but they got our there around 4 and didn't get home until after 9! He even got to shoot the shotgun! With Cody's help of course. I love when they get to do stuff, just the two of them.

Cody said every time they would shoot a bird Hudson and Jayten would run  over to where it fell and bring it back. He was so excited to see them fly over. He even helped Cody clean one when they got home that night.

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