Monday, March 31, 2014

13 weeks 5 days

I have to say that with the 2nd baby, I have been such a slacker. I hardly ever take pictures of my growing belly and always lose track of how far along I am. I have a baby app on my phone that I am constantly looking at to see what's going on that week and have to look at how far along I am :(
Plus, baby is already measuring ahead and I don't know weather to go off that or my due date. So much confusion. But he/she is adorable!
                                                                 Baby Q #2 at 13 weeks

Anyway, Hudson started t-ball and he's doing so great! It's fun to watch him with his team and he's actually really good. Cody loves it because he played t-ball at 4 and his dad coached him. Cody helps coach when he's not on shift. We went out to the fields on Sunday and played with him. Have you ever seen a pregnant lady pitching and running (slowly jogging) bases?? Funny. We also did a lot of yard work Saturday and Sunday. We kept our yard in pretty good shape last summer but with the neighbors not keeping up with theirs and the crazy winds we have during the winter we get weeds like crazy! So we spent 3 hours or so pulling weeds and ripping up our dead bushes in the front. JOY. I've been keeping up with classes at the gym and I'm finally in the 2nd trimester and have some energy back! Thank you Jesus.

                                                         Little smirk! Gamecocks..1st game

We just got back from California last week and Hudson learned to ski for the first time and he was so adorable!

The weather was great while we were there and there was a ton of stuff going on. He did so well! Cody and my dad took him down one of the runs and must have done that one 5 or 6 times the first day and 7 or 8 the next.

We find out April 22nd what we are having and Cody and I will be the only ones to know.......until we have our reveal party! He actually came up with the idea, super cute.

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